Thursday, September 30, 2004

i'm fucking busy. well i guess that the word "WORK" totally sums up my week. projects, and being a total idiot, i worked part time at NATAS the weekend before too. well, the nicest thing that happened was that i happened to bump into pingos at the travel fair, so i was pretty happy... haven't seen that girl in ages! ah well.... i'm kinda very much feeling pissed, and tired permanently too.... need a break...

Monday, September 20, 2004

mini-Adventure to Prata Land

Which idiot would travel 5 trillion miles from bukit timah ALLLLLLLLLLL the way to Jalan Kayu for Prata on a MONDAY NIGHT? why, me of course..... spending at least an hour on the bus trip there, missing our bus stop due to the freaky bus uncle who refuses to open the door even after our continuous ringing of the bell, running (or should i say half running) after a bus without success, all for the sake of the 4 pieces of prata i stuffed down my throat... have to admit it was nice, and that is was bloody expensive... but i guess me, lionel and kim, ning and yy (yeah i was evolving into this gargantuan roundish light emitting device we're all familiar with) had fun laughing our brains out at the stupid jokes we were making...

all in all, i spent an hour odd travelling there, got stuck on a bus, chased after another bus, and took a 20 dollar cab home, all for the sake of 4 pieces of dough with assorted extras in them ( yeah, doesn't sound savory at all)... but well, what can you do, i'm not really bright! :D

Sunday, September 19, 2004

ah... took a walk down memory lane today... remembered all the stupid things we used to do in sec school.. was just discussing it with kit just now.... recalling all the stupid christmas we spent doing ridiculous stuff...

Sec 1:
We were close to this senior of mine called Kean Bon (yeah shake your bon bon) and at that point of time, there was this craze over Pokemon going on... Kids, being kids, we decided to spend christmas eve over at my place.. the usual band gang at that time was there, all lying on the mattress we spreaded out in the living room, eating chocolate dipped strawberries and having a Pokemon Marathon (had it on vcd)... geee, the stupid Hershey's Chocolate Syrup is still stagnant in my fridge, don't wanna know wat it looks like inside now.... 6 years... -shivers-

Sec 2:
Think this was the year i didn't go out for christmas, coz it was countdown to 2000, and instead i went for a countdown party at suntec... spent the day watching a movie with jem and weixin, boy was she a cutie.... met her and the rest of the v.ball girls by chance during the party, and me n jem were squeezing with all the "chiongsters" getting our eardrums busted, having chosen a position next to the huge speakers...

Sec 4:
This was the time when i got to know Brian and Zhou better, and a bunch of us went out for a christmas countdown party at Orchard... Most memorable moment was when we SMSed Des, who was working overnight on christmas eve... The message was sent in parts by 5 of us, and it went like ->
Kit: Working
Brian: On
Zhou: Christmas
Me: Eve? ......
Sam: Awwwwww........

totally evil i swear, but damn fun... hahaha...
proceeded to sam's house for the night, and we wrote Nascent's first (and probably last) original, titled White Christmas (if i didn't remember wrongly that is...) such a sad song, as expected from a bunch of guys on christmas.... tsk tsk...

haha, sec 3's christmas was un-eventful, but we did have an interesting or should i say Des had an interesting our current record holder for number of girls that turned him down on a single day.. he asked 13 girls out for, and got rejected by... (get this) ALL OF THEM!!! totally hilarious i swear.... he's strategy at that time was pretty much aligned with the probability theory, its kinda like "the chances of me getting a date increases when i ask more girls!" ah well, so fun! haha...

shall not be too draggy in a single entry, or i won't have more juicy memories to share in future.... :D
its like an open door that was suddenly closed.
or should i say a book instead of a door?
i don't know, things just ain't like they were before.

was it wrong to have told you?
i thought that we were past the stage where everything would become awkward.
but i thought wrong...

or was it something i did?
or something i said?
is it my fault?

hope we can sit down one day, and talk about it.
its so much better, then seeing you online everytime,
exchanging a few lines before breaking of the conversation so un-naturally.

kevin's a confused little boy now adays... tsk.

Friday, September 17, 2004

what a week! lets see now.... i think i can summarize my week into a few words although i've been busy like hell... namely:

Laptop Program Corrupted,

well, i think everyone got the vague idea of what happened.... well, my laptop's back online thanks to the nice dude at the service centre, projects are still underway, and well, i'm even more broke then before.... with a bank account that boasts $6.40 as it's balance, i guess it pretty much sums up the amount of spendings i've done.... food, fags, drinks, and the biggest sin of all, CABS! darn, need to stop taking cabs everywhere.... kinda hard when u're a renowned lazy bum like me.... i swear my project mates are all full of crap! haha, well i'm part of the team too.... we all suffer from "self-induced-highness"(more commonly known as the SIH syndrom in some parts of the world) and a normal project meeting(although i'm not sure if i can even call it normal) would make sure that everyone has their fare share of tummy-clutching laughter....

i swear i haven't watched a movie in ages! just to name a few, the movies i missed this few weeks includes stuff like Collateral, Stepford Wives, Harold and Kummar, Garfield and The Notebook... Tsk, wat kind of a self-proclaimed movie buff i am....

ah well, i've plans of organizing a chalet, the usual kind where everyone's self invited and the occasion and objective being so obscure and vague that no one understands why there's a chalet in the first place... still, it'll be lots of fun, IF i ever get down to doing it....

Monday, September 06, 2004

The Cigar Ordeal

Cigars taste horrible! and to think i've wasted 17 bucks on rolled up leaves... tsk tsk... i only get dummer huh? ah well, was out with the usual sunday gang yesterday, but was later then usual, only meeting up at holland for dinner... we decided to go for shishak again, so headed down to arab street in a cab.... so there we were, 4 guys with 2 guitars, smoking shishak, having our little unplug session, and Kevin hassssss to come up with the silly little idea of buying a cigar... First time smoking one, probably the last.... tastes horrible, takes forever to finish, and costs a BOMB! well, obviously, being the smart arse who came up with the idea, i had to pay lah... sigh... wat a waste....

sometimes i wonder where the hell all my money is going... then i kinda think, and realise, that with the amount i contribute to the "Cab Economy", its no wonder i'm broke most of the time.....

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

I'm Blogging!

yup... realised i haven't been blogging frequently recently... kinda have too much to do, and think about... well, if you don't count all the "drafts" thats hiding in my account :), its been 5 days since i last blogged... summing up the past few days activities all i can say is....


yeah, pretty blunt way of putting it, but definately as true as the fact that britney spears has fake boobs. hmm, don't seem to make sense... but ah well....

hmmm, kinda went Piazza today.... the pastas there still rocks my sox off! and i swear i miss my good ol' bitter orange.... sigh.... -nostalgia strikes again-

just saw dear gracie's blog... ah well, i know how you feel twin!

shall not start bitching again.... but then again, don't you simply LURVVVEEE bitching? :D