Monday, February 07, 2005

They say the opposite of love isn't hate, but indifference.

The big V of the year(not the brit blokes way of showing the finger, mind you.) is just around the corner so I guess I'm just putting in my 5 cents worth around now.

So, indifference huh? I guess in the method or way that I tend to love someone, total indifference is but near impossible, the best I've did so far was but consciously imposed nonchalance. That's probably what you get from ripping out a part of your heart and throwing it in the face of the girl you're interested in, not really giving thought to whether she'd catch it or not. Crude, brutal, but sadly part of my character.

I've given it some thought and I guess here are some of the indicators that you might not be over someone:

- You hate her. The fact that you're still thinking of her is prove enough.

- You claim you don't give a damn, but you're religiously checking her friendster and blog every night so as to update yourself about her.

- After checking the blog, your heart still skips a beat everytime she mentions your name

- You're upset if she doesn't mention a single crap about you

- Your first reaction when she calls crying is to speed down to where she is, and put your arms around her

- Every song you hear on radio seems to be about her.

- When you talk to friends that you both know, who are still in contact with her, your conversation will inevitably stray to the topic of her current situations

- You dream of her.

Yeah... That's a few that I've known of... Oh well.... Directing at no one in particular, just some food for thought for today I guess....


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